There are several requirements to bear in mind when you are at the stage of naming your newly established ApS company. First and foremost, when choosing a suitable name for a Danish limited liability company, it is important to bear in mind that the legal form of the company must always be visible in the main name. This is particularly useful for potential counterparties, as this lets them know that the company is a legal entity with limited liability. The company name must also be clearly distinguishable from the names of other companies that are already registered with the Central Company Registration (CVR). This means that the company name must not be identical or too similar to other already existing company names in order to avoid possible confusion in identification.
It is also very important that, when choosing a company name, the use of other people’s names, trademarks, commercial features or other signs that are protected by law as the intellectual property of others should be avoided. The name of a limited liability company in Denmark must also not be intentionally misleading. This means that the company name should clearly reflect the business and the nature of the company to avoid misinformation or misconceptions in customers, or business partners.
Companies may, in addition to the main name, have additional names – one or more, as desired. These can be particularly practical if different brands are developed within the same company. Both the main name and any additional names must be listed in the company’s articles of association and registered to be visible in the Central Company Registration (CVR).
A Danish Ltd must use its main name in aspects of its business such as correspondence, business documents and electronic communications to ensure consistency and unambiguity in its communications with the business community. If the company has a website, in addition to the main name, there must also be elements such as the company’s registered office and Central Company Registration (CVR) identification number. The inclusion of this information is required to make it easier for customers and business partners to identify the company.
It is also highly relevant that if a company name is linked to a specific activity, the company cannot continue to use that name unchanged in case the main activity changes significantly. This means that the company name must be updated.