CVR number for ApS

When a limited liability company (ApS) is incorporated in Denmark, it is assigned a CVR identification number. The CVR number, consisting of eight digits, is a unique identifier for a legal entity, with a similar function to the CPR number for natural persons. It is crucial for the company’s operations, as it allows the company to be identified in the context of administrative and business formalities. In addition, the CVR number is also necessary to obtain a NemKont for the company, which makes it possible to receive payments from public institutions. The CVR number is also required to use MitID, the digital personal identifier for companies, and to access Digital Mail for companies, which facilitates communication and administrative matters online. With a CVR number, a company can legally operate and perform its duties in accordance with Danish legal and administrative regulations.

CVR number for ApS

How long it takes to obtain a CVR number depends mainly on the legal form of the company being registered. For a limited liability company, the average time to obtain a CVR number is 1-4 days. Of course, it is necessary to complete the registration correctly to avoid rejection and resubmission. It is advisable to use the services of a lawyer who specialises in the incorporation of limited liability companies. This way, you can be sure that all legal documents will be completed correctly, allowing you to obtain a CVR number as soon as possible.

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